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Ability Balance Changes



Ability Balance Changes

In this update, we’ve focused on refining the gameplay experience by implementing specific balance changes based on your invaluable feedback. We’ve been actively listening to the community, analyzing your suggestions, and making adjustments to ensure a fair and engaging experience for everyone.

These changes aim to enhance both competitiveness and fun. We invite you to dive into the details and see how your input has helped shape the game’s evolution!

Global Changes

Increase global cooldown from 3 to 5 seconds. This will help slow down the rate at which abilities can be chained together.

As part of this change we have also extended the period at the start of a round before you can use an ability which means you should no longer be immediately hit with an ability before you can move.


For levels 3+ the scaling of the Speed stat is reduced exponentially.

Hug is an ability that allows players to grab another. It is designed to give players an edge when playing in small areas to try and get them eliminated. Whilst it is excelling in doing so, it was also allowing players to go faster than intended. We are nerfing the upgraded versions to avoid making it used for self mobility.

Slide (Kick)

For all levels the cooldown is reduced slightly. The slippery stat effect is reduced significantly.

Kick is one of the classic abilities in Stumble Guys. It has always been one of the most used abilities due to its ability to both attack and move around the maps especially in block dash where it allows players to break some of the lower blocks. However it was performing too well and we want it to be more balanced. In order to do so we are increasing its cooldown overall so players need to use it more carefully and not rely on being able to use it so often. In addition we are tuning down the side effect it had when it reached level 15 by decreasing the amount of time it leaves players stunned by the kick being slippery.

Dice Roll

For all levels the cooldown is reduced slightly and the duration is reduced 50%. For levels 3+ the speed is reduced exponentially.

Dice is a throwable ability that behaves differently from the others as it is shot in a straight line. We are tuning down most of its values to remove how effective it is at removing rivals in small maps such as blockdash and bot bash. We are increasing the cooldown of it, whilst also decreasing how long the dice remains in the map after being thrown and decreasing the force it is thrown at. These changes should keep Dice a powerful ability whilst not as powerful as it was and also reduce the frequency it could be used beforehand.


For all levels the cooldown is reduced slightly and the force is reduced significantly.

Bolt is an interesting throwable ability because it is one of the few that takes away mobility whilst casting. We are happy with how the magnetism was behaving as an effect but due to its strong force it was doing too much as an attack option. Therefore we are reducing the force to try and make it more situational for certain maps and increasing its cooldown.


For all levels the cooldown is reduced slightly and the duration is reduced 50%.

With the increase of ability usage in the game, invisibility has been a preferred solution to avoid being attacked however this defensive ability was allowing for some unavoidable attacks making it an absolute threat. Therefore we are increasing the cooldown of the ability whilst also reducing the duration of the invisible state to ensure players will not be able to attack whilst invisible. We are making this change to make sure invisibility still remains a good defensive and mobile ability but remove its offense combination.


For all levels the cooldown is reduced slightly. For levels 2+ the duration is reduced slightly.

Similar to Invisibility, the shield is a very good defensive ability. However due to its cooldown and duration it was constantly in use for players that had it maxed and could quickly combine being shielded with an attack. Therefore we are also increasing the cooldown of the ability and reducing its duration so players need to time better their shield and not use it on cooldown.


For all levels the cooldown is reduced slightly and duration is reduced 35%. The confusion stat is reduced significantly.

Rake is a one of a kind throwable that allows players to throw it behind themselves and place it in strategic positions. However it was performing a bit too well due to its duration until it disappeared and the confusion side effect that was unlocked at level 15. We have increased the cooldown to make it in line with other throwables whilst also reducing the duration of the rake in gameplay and reduced the time players were affected by the confusion effect.


For all levels the cooldown is reduced slightly. The Force stat is no longer upgradeable. Instead you can now upgrade the new Squish stat.

Chop is a unique ability that at max level is able to squish opponents. However it was only performing differently to other abilities at max level and in doing the other effects it was worse than the rest. Therefore, we decided to use the uniqueness of the squish and make it one of the upgradable stats. We believe this ability will be more powerful than before so we are increasing the cooldown to balance its usage. From now on we will keep a close eye to see how the ability behaves but with the aim of making the unique condition of squishing opponents and reducing their jump ability one of the choices for owners to include in their ability repertoire and playstyle.


For all levels the cooldown is reduced slightly. The Angle is no longer upgradeable. Instead it is fixed at the max 90 degrees for all levels. It is replaced with the new Force stat which is upgradable.

Slap is an ability that was designed as the alternative to punch. The design idea behind slap is that it is weaker in terms of force compared to punch but it is easier to hit and can do so in a larger area. However, because of the small force it wasn't as impactful as we hoped, therefore we are making the uniqueness of its wide area a permanent aspect of the ability and changing the stat upgrade into the Force instead of Angle.


We reduced the angle of impact to make it hit in a straight line. For all levels except Max level the cooldown has been reduced slightly.

Punch is a powerful ability. With its strong force it is able to eliminate players in most elimination maps and whilst we want punch to be powerful we don't want it to be dominant. Therefore, we are making it harder to hit, reducing the area it’s able to impact. This should make it harder for players to aim if the rival is moving around while making it easier to avoid getting punched yourself.

Bouncing Ball

For all levels the duration is reduced significantly. For levels 4+ the speed is reduced slightly. For max level the knockback is reduced slightly.

Volleyball is the king of movement abilities and whilst that meets the design intentions, it was doing it too well. Therefore we are reducing the max speed and also reducing the total duration of the transformation. This should still allow players to use it in certain occasions but not using it several times in one transformation therefore reducing its impact in game. We have also removed the ability that volleyball had at max level of pushing rivals to make sure that volleyball only performs well in its mobility characteristics and not used as an attack option. This change also aims to make it easier to block players using volleyball from getting in front of them.


For all levels the cooldown is reduced slightly. The duplication stat is replaced with a new upgradeable slow stat.

Similarly to the Sticky Bomb , Snowball is a movement penalty throwable that wasn't quite able to have an impact on gameplay. We have changed the variable of being able to have a greater chance of throwing multiple snowballs into how strong the slow is once the snowball is landed successfully. The duration of being slowed is intended to be longer since it's a harder to hit ability than the sticky bomb.

Sticky Bomb

For all levels the cooldown is reduced slightly. The duration stat is no longer upgradable, instead it is a static 2. It is replaced with a new upgradable slow stat. The

Sticky bomb is a zone control throwable that wasn't quite capable of competing with other abilities due to its stats. We have changed the duration of the slow into how powerful that slow is, we aim to make the movement penalty this ability main characteristic transforming it into a more viable option for players. The intention of this ability is to be an alternative to snowball making it have a shorter duration of slow but being able to affect a larger area.


Sword spin is similar to the Bolt ability in that it requires the casting player to remain in position. Whilst it takes a longer time and it might be riskier to use in certain occasions its power and area of reach compensate for it. However we found that the ability wasn't performing properly due to an issue where it wouldn´t hit in a 360 angle, we have fixed that issue to make sure it is still a viable option for players

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