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Hey Stumblers!

Welcome to your Fan Art Spotlight!

We love our community's creativity and imagination and want to make sure that everyone gets to see the best creations from our players!

Without further ado, let's get started!

First, we would like to start this spotlight with the winners of the Egypt Stumbler event: users Rick and El Perro 10! on Discord.

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We understand why they both won the Egypt contest, right!

Now, let's look at the best submissions of this week!

  • Discord user SᘳRVƷZ with this awesome sketch

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  • Discord user Deasteregg and the pilots!

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  • Discord user Lost, because we all love Meowmer

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  • Discord user LIMA™ and their Neon Stumbler

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  • Discord user HYDRO, because one-day Bananas will take over the Stumbleverse!

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That's it for today, Stumblers! We hope you enjoyed going through this spotlight as much as we enjoyed putting it together!

Do you want to submit your own Fan art? Head to our Discord server and submit it to the #stg-fan-art channel, or share it on Twitter or Instagram with #STGFanArt.

We will come back with more awesome Fan creations. Until then, you can go back to Stumbling!

Join the party!

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