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Hey Stumblers!

Welcome to your Fan Art Spotlight!

We love our community's creativity and imagination and want to make sure that everyone gets to see the best creations from our players!

Without further ado, let's get started!

In this week’s spotlight, we looked for our 5 top fan artists on Twitter. So follow us there, and maybe next week, your fan art will be picked!

Twitter user @celerthgames drew a stumbler in a dinosaur suit and called it “pijamasaurio” - I don’t think any further explanation is needed for why we love this one so much!


Does anyone have better drip than @BabyMasterShifu’s “Stumble Fiti” - we don’t think so.


This one is just incredibly cute. Thank you @Comedyyyyyyy, for making our day with your art.


Chad Mr. Stumble or Ripped Mr. Stumble - maybe @doopo_6251 can tell us what name they imagined for this version of Mr. Stumble.


Come on, it’s a baby with sunglasses!!!! Boydoll by @bloxy_bobby is equally adorable as cool!


Don't forget to submit your own creations! Head to our Discord server and submit it to the #stg-fan-art channel, or share it on Twitter or Instagram with #STGFanArt.

We will come back with more awesome Fan creations. Until then, you can go back to Stumbling!

Join the party!

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