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The Stumble Workshop FAQ



Hey there, Stumblers, it’s me, the Architect! I collected the most asked questions around the Stumble Workshop, and I will answer them here for you the best I can!

When will I be able to create my own levels?

At the launch of the Stumble Workshop, only content creators will be able to create levels, and all the players will be able to play the levels the Content Creators will release. We will gradually give access over the upcoming weeks to the editor to the rest of the players to ensure it's correctly functioning. We will let the Community know over here as new batches of players will get access.

However, all users can play the levels created by other players at any time!

Can players share their custom levels with others?

Absolutely! When a player finishes creating their level and publishes it, they’re given a level code to copy to their clipboard and share with other players. Once another player has the level code, they can enter it into the game and play it in custom parties.

What's the maximum player capacity for custom levels?

Any level created with Stumble Workshop will be playable in custom parties with up to 32 players.

Are there any rewards or incentives for creating/playing custom levels?

There are no rewards in the first release of the Stumble Workshop. Still, we are exploring incentive programs to reward the creators of the most popular content, and we will be integrating UGC levels into Events and Tournaments, allowing players to earn rewards for playing those levels.

How many obstacles are there?

There are 33 items in the catalogue:

  • Toys: dynamic items like spinning beams and cannons
  • Block: static items that can be used to build terrain and barriers
  • Objects: items that can be dropped in levels, like balls and moveable cubes
  • Triggers: items with a functional purpose, like finish lines and checkpoints.
  • We’ll be adding more items of all types in future updates.

How do players discover/search the custom levels?

In the first release, there will be a selection of levels made by us in the Featured tab of the Stumble Workshop. We will also be looking to feature exciting new maps across our social channels. In later releases, we will expand the Featured tab to make it the number one place to find great content and give players search functionality to find the levels that interest them.

Can players collaborate with others to create custom levels?

Players will not be able to collaborate in the first release. However, we are exploring different approaches to how players can work together to build levels.

What happens if a player disconnects while making a custom level?

We frequently autosave for just this scenario. When a player returns to the editor after being disconnected and reopens the level, they will be presented with a popup asking them if they want to load the autosaved changes. We also have a Save button, which players can press to save the current state of their level.

What is the Height and Width limit?

The actual values for the limits won’t mean much to anyone not familiar with the engine that the game is built in. However, if you imagine a level like Cannon Climb, this would comfortably fit inside the space available in the editor. In fact, you could stack Cannon Climb on top of itself multiple times, so you’ll have the freedom to build exciting vertical levels as well. There’s enough space to build that each existing level in the game would fit.

Are custom levels Cross Platform?

The Stumble Workshop will be available on mobile and Steam. All levels created on mobile will be playable on Steam, and vice versa.

Will custom levels be in regular map rotation?

No. In the first release, custom levels will only be playable in custom parties. In future releases, we will introduce UGC levels to specific Events and Tournaments, but we currently have yet to make plans to introduce UGC levels to the regular map rotation.

What is the time limit for custom levels?

All custom levels have to be able to be completed within 3 minutes before they can be published. In future updates, we will give players more flexibility over this time limit to create more significant levels if they want to.

Watch the FULL VIDEO here!

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